All The Deets On My Mental Health
this blog is a mixture of a bit of beauty and a bit about my life,
some things that I'm sure will be about neither.
do tend to waffle :D
thought I would write a post talking about my mental health. Kinda
like an introduction to what my life is like living with mental
makes sense to me that I should share with you the details as I'm
sure I will be talking about it quite a bit on my blog/channel.
so I've got OCD. I was diagnosed in 2014, and it really isn't all
about being overly organized and washing your hands all the time
I am guilty of both of those!).
that time I was working in a shop and I was getting more and more
was crying everyday, panicking and I wasn't even able to switch off
when I got home.
was checking and re-checking everything. It was taking up so much of
my time.
when I had checked something for the 5th time I still wasn't
I literally didn't
trust my own brain.
wasn't right.
family had seen everything that was going on and urged me to see a
was diagnosed and in some ways it helped to know what was going on.
I had to leave my job within weeks of being diagnosed.
had continued to worsen and the whole situation became more than I
felt I could handle.
best way for me to describe it is the same way a lot of others do and
that is to break down the name itself :
Obsessive Compulsive
OCD involves having obsessions. For example, I will feel dirty.
Literally dirty.
It may be because I have touched something I think
may be dirty or sometimes, I just plain feel it.
I panic. I fear
contaminating someone/something so I try to find a way to deal with
this situation.
leads us to the compulsions.
Performing physical and/or mental
'rituals' in the hopes of relieving the anxiety.
In this scenario, I
would then want to quickly find a way to wash my hands, if I can't do
that for whatever reason, I will use hand sanitizer.
brings us to the 'D' - Disorder.
is a mental disorder and not something to be taken lightly or
"The illness affects as many as 12 in every 1000 people (1.2% of the population) from young children to adults, regardless of gender or social or cultural background. In fact, it can be so debilitating and disabling that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has actually ranked OCD in the top ten of the most disabling illnesses of any kind, in terms of lost earnings and diminished quality of life." *link*
I have obsessions and compulsions from a few different 'types' of OCD.
the beginning, my main compulsions were centered around checking.
it be plugs, windows, the correct orders at work, making sure I
haven't said the wrong thing... The list goes on.
since then, my checking has minimized; due to the fact that I am at
home everyday and don't go out and mingle with people very much
the amount of plug checking, talking to people etc.).
contamination OCD has progressively gotten worse. I don't like being
touched, touching other people or their belongings.
am not scared of germs, I am concerned that I may be
dirty/contaminated and that in touching someone/something I will make
them ill.
During my first round of C.B.T, it was brought to my attention that I have a heightened sense of responsibility.
To me, anything and
everything is my fault. I feel it wholeheartedly, it's not just a passing feeling.
I have a hard time believing otherwise.
I have a hard time believing otherwise.
also suffer with anxiety. Talking in general and interacting isn't
easy for me.
I worry a lot about what I say and that I may hurt
someones feelings or offend them.
Amidst everything, I struggle with lack of self care.
I am not a priority and I don't treat myself with the love and respect that I feel everyone should.
Recovery whilst feeling this way is incredibly difficult to say the least, but I am trying to persist.
Recovery whilst feeling this way is incredibly difficult to say the least, but I am trying to persist.
So that's pretty much the ins and outs of my mental health.
With each of the above mentioned issues I struggle with, it has been a learning curve.
Since being diagnosed, I have looked back and been able to see that some illnesses have been with me for quite some time, under the radar.
I wasn't always as constrained as I am now and that gives me hope for the future :)
So that's pretty much the ins and outs of my mental health.
With each of the above mentioned issues I struggle with, it has been a learning curve.
Since being diagnosed, I have looked back and been able to see that some illnesses have been with me for quite some time, under the radar.
I wasn't always as constrained as I am now and that gives me hope for the future :)
year I have begun to learn how to live with my
mental illness' rather than be controlled by them
and that is a huge deal to me.
Baby steps.
Baby steps.