Contact me
you can email me at :
you can also get hold of me on the following social media sites 👀
Alternatively, leave it below…📱
Disclaimer for this blog and anything else you may read/see/hear that I have written/shared :
Any and all content I post/share may (will) contain adult language.
The content of my blog and social media accounts has the risk of possibly being a trigger. I will always do my best to place a trigger warning at the top of a post that may contain triggering content.
I often share details of my life living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, anxiety, depression, EUPD, addiction, PTSD, Eating disorders & weight, Multiple Sclerosis and my experiences of abuse.
Everything is written from my perspective and just my opinion unless stated otherwise.
What I share is not generalized, everyone has different struggles. So when referring to OCD for example, I am not saying it is the same for everyone.
I can only speak from my experiences and what I am going through/have been through.
I am not a professional or a therapist. I have no credentials concerning health/mental health—just experience(s).
Any experiences or “advice” I share that you may choose to try or take on board are completely your choice.
I am not accountable for your decisions or actions.
also... As for products mentioned etc., unless stated otherwise, they were purchased by me. All opinions are my own.
I used Picmonkey to create my blog and social media headers, among other things. I claim no ownership of the fonts used. I will always credit any stock images or media shared to the best of my ability.
Reader discretion is advised.
As always, sending you love and kickassery 😏💪💋💖