Primark Amber Passion Palette : Review
It's been a hot minute since I did a review! 🙈
This post will *hopefully* answer any questions you have regarding the Primark Amber Passion palette.
After picking this palette up I was so excited to try it that I filmed my - first ever! - first impressions using it for the first time. Since then I have now used every shade on my eyes and I feel I can honestly give it a full review 💗
Let's get started! 😊
This post will *hopefully* answer any questions you have regarding the Primark Amber Passion palette.
After picking this palette up I was so excited to try it that I filmed my - first ever! - first impressions using it for the first time. Since then I have now used every shade on my eyes and I feel I can honestly give it a full review 💗
Let's get started! 😊
I was just browsing in Primark for the third time that week
- lolz but seriously xD
when I saw this beauty. I was seriously taken aback. I mean, look. at. it 😍 And then I saw that it was £3..... £3?!?! Seriously 😱
So, I didn't really know what to expect as I had never tried and Primark eye shadows but oh boy! This was such a surprise!
One of the first things that impressed me was the fact that the shades have names.
I personally find it easier when products have a name, particularly when it comes to blogging or YouTubing. It's just a bazillion times less complicated when you can just refer to something by it's actual name and not: this shade on the fourth row and the third shade in - ya know?
I feel like you get a pretty good selection of finishes and tones. I feel like creating a day time look is quite limited with this palette (especially with how pigmented they are - we're almost getting there ;)).
I love the fact that it has a magnetic closure
- seriously it's only £3
I would feel quite safe throwing this in my bag. Having 9 shades is a nice round number, it's just enough to give you variety and not overwhelming to the eye
- cut to me panicking about not knowing what to use xD
shades left to right - Sunrise, Burn and Champagne
shades left to right - Solar, Aura and Glory
shades left to right - Radiate, Illusion and Edge
I mean ✋✋
The mattes are incredible. INcredible 😅
All of the shades are very easy to blend, I feel if you over-blend they can start to disappear so a light hand would be best. I found that the more shimmery shades were just metallic enough, but that's coming from someone who constantly wants glittery/metallic/sparkly goodness on her eyes all the time 😉
shades used :
Radiate - as my transition shade
Burn - through the crease
Aura - on the lid
Burn - on the outer corner
Radiate and Burn on my lower lash line
Champagne - as my brow bone and inner corner highlight
Bobbi Brown Long Wear Cream Shadow stick in Bark on upper lash line
Benefit Bad Gal Bang mascara
Revlon Volume + Length Magnified mascara
The first look I created was a very 'me' look 😂
As soon as I saw Aura I knew I needed that on my eyes pronto!
I feel like the shades perfectly complimented each other, blending seamlessly together.
shades used :
Sunrise - as my transition and crease shade
Solar - on the lid
Illusion - on the outer corner
Glory - on the lower lash line
Edge - on the inner corner
Sunrise, Illusion and Glory on my lower lash line
Champagne - as my brow bone and inner corner highlight
Bobbi Brown Long Wear Cream Shadow Stick in Bark on upper lash line
Benefit Bad Gal Bang mascara
Primark SOSU lashes style - Paris
The second look was a little out of my comfort zone. I got a bit carried away when I saw the beautiful orange shades 😌
BUT! makeup is supposed to be fun, right? 🙊
Considering that the shades I used were rather bright
- and hella pigmented!
they blended easily and gave me no trouble whatsoever 💃
As someone who enjoys a warm toned palette, I feel this is a prefect match for me. I didn't have to work hard to get colour pay off, I had very little fall out and not too much kick up in the pans. Do I feel that these shades can be duped? Possibly. Could they be duped for something cheaper than £3 for 9 shades? I h i g h l y doubt it 😏
Overall I love this palette (as if you couldn't tell haha!)
If you'd like to see me applying the first look in video format, click the link below to see my first impressions of using the palette.
I hope you found this review helpful, if you have any questions that I didn't answer please don't hesitate to ask and I'll do my very best to answer 🙊
Thank you so much for stopping by 😊