My Journey To Being Diagnosed With MS
This is going to be a long
post so you may wanna grab a cuppa and/or an assortment of snacks ;D
Today I am going to be
discussing my journey to being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
I just wanted to mention that if you recognize any of the symptoms I mention in yourself, it doesn't immediately mean that it's MS, it could be anything! But PLEASE take it seriously and be checked out by your doctor.
So here we go, lets dive in :)
In 2012 the right hand
side of my face went numb.
It started out with the
right hand side of my tongue. I could feel it, I could speak and eat
normally but it just didn't feel right.
Then the right hand side
of my bottom lip.
Then my right cheek...
Jawline... Ear.
And it was like that for
around 4-6 weeks.
If I didn't tell anyone, they would have no idea.
I went to the doctors, they did a blood test which came back normal.
They had said to go back in
two weeks if it was the same, but by that time it had started to go away
so I didn't make another appointment.
I would like to point out
that I was very stressed at this time. I had a lot going on.
after Googling it, I chose to put it down to stress and I carried on as
I remember making jokes
about it with family and friends, honestly finding it funny. “I'm so weird LOL”.
- sigh
A couple of years later in
2014 I was walking to work one day and noticed that my right knee was
Over a short space of time, half my body and half my face on the right side were numb.
Again, I was very stressed
(this was when my OCD was in a particularly rough patch) and I put it
down to that.
I didn't go to the doctors
because I thought “silly stress, why do you do this to me *eye roll* lol”
It lasted for around 4-6
weeks like the previous time and went away on it's own.
Then in August 2016
something weird happened with my left eye.
Whenever I looked a
certain amount to the left everything was doubled.
I wasn't in any pain,
didn't feel uncomfortable. It was more annoying to me than anything because whenever I looked to the left, I got into the habit of having
to close my right eye to see clearly.
My mum made me an
appointment to see an optician to get my sight checked.
At this point I hadn't had
my eyes checked for over ten years because I've always had 20/20
vision :)
So it was the fifth day of
the weird double vision thing that I went to my appointment. I explained the issues I
was having, so they did a run of the mill set of eye tests.
Everything was p e r f e c t.
There was nothing wrong
with my eyes, I have better than 20/20 vision
- a-thank you ;D.
The optician was typing up
on the computer when I jokingly said :
“I should have warned
you, I get weird stuff wrong with me all the time! Half my face went
numb once and then a couple of years later half my face and half my body went numb *MAJOR LOLZ*”.
I think the optician was
quite shocked that I hadn't been seen by a doctor (I explained it was
down to me for not going. I'm stoopid what can I say?).
I was given a note that
said “Urgent” on it
- nothing like the word
urgent to make your stomach flip
and was told that I needed to
go to an eye doctor the following day to be checked over in more
My mind was racing, 'what's with all the haste??'.
My mind was racing, 'what's with all the haste??'.
I was seen by the doctor, who did
the same tests and asked me questions about the numbness I had
experienced in the past.
On the inside I was like
“dude, that's the past, let's live in the now, the issue is with my
I think that they too were
surprised that I hadn't gone to the doctors :/
I was asked to come back
in 4 days to be seen by another eye doctor.
The day before my
appointment the double vision had gone, I kept my appointment and went to be seen by the other doctor.
I explained that the
double vision had gone – which I was pleased about!
The same tests were done
and I also had the drops in my eyes to open my pupils. My eyes were checked over
and I once again, was told that my eyes were absolutely fine.
I was honestly so relieved
to hear that my eyes were healthy, the whole thing had made me begin to worry a little.
Once again I was asked about the
numbness and the surprise was there again that I had not gone to the
It wasn't until being seen by these doctors that I realized how careless I had been in not taking my symptoms seriously.
After discussing my symptoms with me, the doctor said to me that I may have had a stroke.
Excuse me, what??
I nearly cried. Right then
and there in front of a stranger.
They checked my blood
pressure – which was fine – and I had to take some aspirin.
They said the numbness
could have been caused by a stroke and that the eye may have been a
stroke passing over...
(that may not be the
correct words used but I was feeling quite stressed and words had
lost all meaning to me at this point so don't take that as gospel).
I couldn't believe what I
was hearing.
As a result, I was told that I would
need to be seen by a neurologist.
That was one of the
scariest days of my life to date.
Within a few weeks I had
an appointment letter through to see a neurologist in about 6 weeks
In the letter it said that
I may need to go for an MRI to rule out MS.
To be honest, at this
point I didn't really know what MS was, so I, of course, took to
Unfortunately when reading
the list of symptoms, I was quite taken aback at how many of them I
have experienced.
Between then and my MRI in
December I was looking up anything and everything to do with Multiple
Sclerosis - which I knew wasn't healthy but I just couldn't seem to
I was worrying and I was
trying to comfort myself by 'having all the facts'.
The time waiting for my appointment to see the
neurologist seemed to take forever but when it came around, we had a good chat about everything.
My symptoms, the timeline
of them happening etc.
He mentioned to me that he
felt fairly certain that I have MS but that's why we were doing the
MRI, to have a look and confirm anything.
Before leaving I had a
blood test done... I forgot to ask what for. Once again, I think
words had lost all meaning to me. I was pretty shocked.
I was imagining all of
these scenarios in my mind of what was going to happen to me/my
life/e v e r y t h i n g.
I went along for my brain
and cervical spine MRI some weeks later.
Here is a *link*
to my full post with all the details on how I got on.
under a week after having the MRI, I received information that my results appointment was booked for a date in January.
then, it was Christmas.
was present in my mind but I just tried to enjoy the season and look
forward to my birthday in the coming weeks. I'm grateful that this all happened around this time as it was a huge distraction.
- children running around excited for presents really takes your mind off of things xD
When I had my
January appointment with the neurologist, he talked me through and showed me what my MRI results showed. I have some lesions on my brain. My
spine was clear.
I was
kind of not expecting it - if you can believe that.
He told me that I would need to go for a lumbar puncture
which would be used to confirm his belief that I have MS.
said I would get an appointment within the next month or so and that
I would meet an MS specialist before hand.
received the appointment letters within the month for the lumbar
puncture and to see the specialist.
were in April.
In this time I tried not to Google things/watch YouTube videos about MS as much. The lead up to my appointment in December had been a nightmare, spending most of my time thinking about MS... I wasn't even sure I had MS!
In this time I tried not to Google things/watch YouTube videos about MS as much. The lead up to my appointment in December had been a nightmare, spending most of my time thinking about MS... I wasn't even sure I had MS!
It came together that I had
an appointment to see the specialist a week before my lumbar
was an initial meeting kind of thing where I once again discussed all
of the symptoms I have had to date, when they happened, how long for
During my appointment, he went into a little more detail with me about my MRI results. He showed me more images than I had seen before.
I was horrified when I saw the lesions. I thought there were only one or two - I wouldn't like to guess how many there were, but it was more than one or two.
I mentioned that I had been (still am) having issues with my balance, to which he responded by showing me that I have a lesion in that part of my brain.
I feel like this is when it started to become a little real for me.
During my appointment, he went into a little more detail with me about my MRI results. He showed me more images than I had seen before.
I was horrified when I saw the lesions. I thought there were only one or two - I wouldn't like to guess how many there were, but it was more than one or two.
I mentioned that I had been (still am) having issues with my balance, to which he responded by showing me that I have a lesion in that part of my brain.
I feel like this is when it started to become a little real for me.
I was
made aware that the lumbar puncture results held the key to where we
go from there and that he didn't disagree with my neurologist's thoughts on what
was going on.
results would tell them if I did indeed have MS and if that was the
case, we would then discuss treatment.
felt as though I was in very good hands, I didn't feel rushed and
that I didn't need to worry because they are in control.
week later, I went and had the lumbar puncture in April.
Now I
must admit that I wasn't looking forward to it... Who would be?! But
I knew it had to be done and then that would be the end of it.
is a *link* to the full post about my lumbar puncture experience.
a number of days I felt completely back to my normal self, like I had
never had the procedure done. And then I waited.
The specialist had told me
that the results would take up to 3
weeks, and that his team would contact me with an appointment. I would hear from them roughly by the end of May.
the third week of May I got an appointment letter to be seen in a
number of weeks time.
came to mind was “if it wasn't MS, I wouldn't be seeing him or a
member of his team. Looks like I've got MS.”
appointment came round rather quickly. Before I knew it, it was time
to go.
I was
waiting a little while and then in we went.
was it. What was going on with me?
had a bit of a catch up, I filled him in on symptoms I had had since
seeing him last and discussed my lumbar puncture results.
At some point sat in that room I was told that I have Relapsing-Remitting MS.
At some point sat in that room I was told that I have Relapsing-Remitting MS.
it was. The answer to all of my questions.
have Multiple Sclerosis.
had a conversation about medication.
the idea of having MS had been mentioned to me, I had always been of
the mind-set that I would need to go on medication.
So we discussed my options
and after finishing my appointment, I had a blood test to check that I was able to begin taking it.
I met with an MS nurse for
a chat, she answered all of my questions. I was told that, all being well with my blood test results, my medication would be ready for me to collect in a few weeks.
I was given an information booklet on the medication to read over.
- The story of my
experience with the medication will be in a blog post to follow if
you are interested in the process, side effects and anything else :)I was given an information booklet on the medication to read over.
I was a bit shaken up.
Although the idea of it
possibly being MS had been in my mind for the last 6 months or so, it
was as if it was the first time anyone had mentioned it.
I spent the time between
then and the collection date of my medication pondering whether I
should go on it or not.
I've never been a fan of
medicine and avoid it at all costs.
After a while, I felt that
for me personally, it was the right choice to make.
I picked up the medication and started taking it.
I was assigned an MS nurse
who is there for any questions/queries/anything I may need help with.
It is a comfort knowing
that I have someone there for support who is fully in the know of
what I may be experiencing.
A month or so later I had
my second MRI. This time only on my brain.
It is my belief
that as they only found lesions on my brain last time, they didn't
feel the need to scan my spine this time around. That combined with
the fact that I am to date, not experiencing any physical symptoms,
only sensory, which would indicate no lesions on my spine.
And b r e a t h e xD
So that's my story, up
until now :)
Well done if you made it
the whole way through this, you deserve a prize! :D
I hope that it was
insightful and sheds a bit of light on what the journey is like
towards being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (for me anyway).
Thank you for stopping by